vmath  vmath-0.13

Vector mathematics for computer graphics


  • basic arithmetic operations - using operators
  • basic linear algebra operations - such as transpose, dot product, etc.
  • aliases for vertex coordinates - it means:

     Vector3f v;
     // use vertex coordinates
     v.x = 1; v.y = 2; v.z = -1;
     // use texture coordinates
     v.s = 0; v.t = 1; v.u = 0.5;
     // use color coordinates
     v.r = 1; v.g = 0.5; v.b = 0;
  • conversion constructor and assign operators - so you can assign a value of Vector3<T1> type to a variable of Vector3<T2> type for any convertible T1, T2 type pairs. In other words, you can do this:

     Vector3f f3; Vector3d d3 = f3;
     f3 = d3;


  • Vector2 Two dimensional vector
    • float — Vector2f
    • double — Vector2d
    • int — Vector2i
  • Vector3 Three dimensional vector
    • float — Vector3f
    • double — Vector3d
    • int — Vector3i
  • Vector4 Four dimensional vector
    • float — Vector4f
    • double — Vector4d
    • int — Vector4i
  • Matrix3 Matrix 3x3
    • float — Matrix3f
    • double — Matrix3d
    • int — Matrix3i
  • Matrix4 Matrix 4x4
    • float — Matrix4f
    • double — Matrix4d
    • int — Matrix4i
  • Quaternion
    • float — Quatf
    • double — Quatd
  • Aabb3 axes-aligned bounding-box
    • float — Aabb3f
    • double — Aabb3d